On  27  December  2023,  the  Indonesian  Government  has  issued  a Regulation No. 58 year 2023 regarding the Rates of Income Tax Art. 21 on the  Income  related  to  the  Employment,  Service  or  Activities  of  Individual Taxpayer. This Regulation is applicable starting 1 January 2024.

The  purpose  of  this  Regulation  is  to  simplify  the  Monthly Income  Tax  Art.  21 calculations by applying 1 (one) effective tax rate (TER) on the Gross Income of the Individual Taxpayer.

For the annual tax calculation, the Individual Income Tax should be recalculated by applying the Art. 17 of Income Tax Law.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance has also issued a Regulation No. 168 Year 2023 for the implementation of Government Regulation No. 8 Year 2023.