Stefanus Kurniadi

Stefanus Kurniadi






Stefanus has experiences in tax, specializing in Tax Compliances, Tax Diagnostic Review, Tax Dispute Resolution, Transfer Pricing Documentation and International Tax since 2001. Previously he joined several tax consulting firms with Big Four environment.

Professional Licenses and Certifications

Stefanus holds Tax Consultant License C from the Indonesian Tax Consultant Association (IKPI), and it enables him to assist and legally represent individual and multinational corporate taxpayers for taxation matters to the Tax Office.

Stefanus also holds Tax Attorney License (“Kuasa Hukum”) to assist the taxpayer during the tax appeal process.

Stefanus has obtained certification as Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist (CTPS) and Certified International Tax Analyst (CITA) from American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM).

Education Background

Stefanus holds Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Gadjah Mada University, Jakarta. Previously he graduated from University of Parahyangan, Bandung with Bachelor of Accounting degree.

International Tax Courses

During his career, Stefanus had followed numerous international tax courses conducted, e.g. international taxation, transfer pricing.